>> Dean Lanham: Good afternoon. It’s a pleasure to welcome you to the next session on our Symposium on Ancient Greece. And it's always a pleasure to have our Emeritus faculty with us, and the colleagues of our fine supporter and one of the columns, you know I think you think of columns here, one of the columns of Eastern Illinois university is with us as we watch this, I'll be thinking of that. I don't care what you say. I'll be saying here is part of the structure of our institution for such a long time, and I'll ask Dr. Wafeek Wahby to make the introduction. >> Dr. Wahby: Thank you. Welcome to one of the most interesting presentations of our symposium. The symposium is a futuristic look through ancient lenses and you see the picture chosen by our speaker here, Futuristic Look through Ancient Lenses. That tell you something, I mean I need not to introduce him, but you are in for a treat today, and how would you introduce a geologist, a geographist, a scientist, a thinker, a friend, I mean it is very difficult, so I thought about sharing [unclear dialogue] >> Mike: Thank you Wafeek, and also I’d like to welcome you as well. What can I say about my father-in-law here? He's [unclear dialogue] >> Dr. Barharlou: Brag about my grandchildren. >> Mike: Yes, he's got four grandchildren [unclear dialogue] so I am pleased to be here. We are going to hear an excellent talk on geology and geography in relationship to ancient Greece, and so Alan has chaired the department for 25 years, and has a wealth of knowledge that he can share today, so if you would join me in welcoming Alan. >> Dr. Baharlou: Thank you, Mike. And thanks Alan, I remember all the years there were many Alan's in the campus, when we wanted to talk about Alan, we always said good Alan, that was and thank you, thank you friend, Dr. Wafeek, for organizing such a magnificent presentation to our campus. It is a stepping-stone that has brought us to this point in civilization. So, as you see the picture shows, to look at the past, from past to the future, they were, the Greeks were the stepping stone, that has started our civilization, to where we are. They set the pattern, the concept, and the topic is The Geology and the Geography of Greece. And the foundation of the Greece culture, concept, what they passed on to us greatly affected us, they didn't have electricity, car, tractors, none of those things, fertilizer, so, everything the food, their supplies, their energy, depends on whatever nature could provide. And sustain it. This is the time, so, they had to adjust, improvise, and use natural resources to sustain them, exclusively natures. And you see some of the features. Greek is a unique landform. These ancient civilizations they made the greatest contributions, and this is fantastic for Dr. Wafeek, and Dean Allen, to have this concept that takes us back in time. Each of us here, are benefiting at this moment, or following those concepts that they set. They patterned. This time we focus on Greeks; we have done it on Egyptian. Greeks made one of the most contribution to who we are now, how do we think, what we believe, than these five civilizations. You are familiar, these were the five civilizations. Egyptians, Romans, Persian, Greeks, and Mesopotamia. All radius of Mediterranean Sea, near southern part of Europe. This is the focus of these ancient civilizations. Greece, a country in Southeastern Europe, whose peninsula extends from the Balkans, in the Mediterranean Sea and mountainous with many gulfs and bays, forests, in some areas of Greece, much of Greece is stony, that means it don't really have soil, for agriculture, just rock, and suitable only for pastures, but few other areas are suitable for growing wheat, barleys, cypress, dates, and olives, which Greeks are famous. And this is the country, pretty soon you will see it is a unique landform. And that unique landform posed a great deal of challenges to the people who lived there. The Greek called the land Hellus, and themselves Hellenes. It was the Romans who called them Greeks, and that is the name by which we know them. The Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote that Egypt is the gift of Nile, but he never up with an expression so memorable to stir up his own country. Because his own country, perhaps because Greece was divided through many units, you see because of its landform, because of it's mountains and rivers. So, geography is start of having a great impact. Rather, it was a collection of city-states, although towns-state or even village-states would have been more accurate. For few had the population to be called a city. Separated by their topography, the landform, the valleys, the hills, the mountains, the rivers, these city-states were like a large family of quarrelsome brothers. Almost always fighting with each other. But occasionally banding together to battle against outsiders when they felt like doing so. Afterwards, they were as likely as not to turn on each other again. The Greeks have often been described as independent minded and there seems no doubt that geology and geography played a major role in shaping their character. It was natural forces, mountains and sea, that molded Greece, and made the Greeks in what they were. Most of the Greeks of course, said Mediterranean, most of the cities, Athens, major city, abounded by the ocean, Mediterranean sea, so all this at the age of that critical point, land meets the ocean. And affected by the force of both, the sea, the ocean, and the land. Greek was a shallow long before oxygen reached the Mesozoic we divide the geologic time to Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Centozoic, and Mesozoic is the middle time, and that time there was this where Greece is now, was a shallow sea, covered, and shallow sea, all the sediments that came from the surrounding deposited there, on where that's shallow sea. It continues submerging all the formation of huge layers of limestone. [00:09:40;23] And you see these all the factors affect Greece, in the whole area, and due to crustaceous in the middle of Mesozoic a big island appeared, which run up north to the south in the edge of [unclear dialogue] and Athens. Here the layers were partly eroded and today we find the many crystalline rocks, kind of origin of earth rocks, because these sediments on the top limestone have been eroded away, exposing original crystalline rock and also most valuable resources of Greece, like coal, manganese, or iron, or silver ore. Earthquakes. Greece is one of the world's most seismically active regions. Because all the forces that effect to build, and are still there, surrounded by out, two continents coming together, fortunately most Greek earthquakes are relatively mild. Again, I want to say these very extensive powerful natural forces. And now how this civilization going to interpret the cause, the origin, the factors guiding, effecting, generating, these forces. Fortunately most Greek earthquakes are relatively mild, but there is always the potential for more serious seismic activity. Greek builders are aware of this and Modern Greek buildings are built to be safe during the earthquakes. We do [unclear dialogue] and mounting building forces to the rest alpine, huge mountain in Europe, [unclear dialogue] the limestone was lifted because of these forces, all over the country and folded; so today about 2/3 of the area of Greece is covered with limestone. Caves are very common as many other cause topography. Now, this created a lot of majestic features for this ancient people to see. To define how originated. Of course, this is all of you familiar with Matterhorn. Fourteen thousand high is peak of alpine mountain to their West. These were the forces, not only lift these mountain, but later forces like glaciers, erode them, carve them out, so tremendous amount of geologic forces that area. Most of the Crete, Greece, and Greek islands are contained in a box of fault lines. Fault lines are areas of the earth that move against each other, horizontally or vertically. These movements create the earthquakes that Greece has so much. Running in different directions, this is in addition to the earthquake potential from the still lively volcanoes including [unclear dialogue] volcano thought by some experts to be overdue for a major eruption. Next door, they have Italy, with significant amounts of volcanoes, Mt. Etna, so. Undersea earthquakes. Many of the quakes that strike Greece have their epicenter where the energy release, under the sea. While this can shake up surrounding islands, they rarely cause severe damage. The ancient Greeks achieved that earthquakes were god of sea. Here we got how this movement takes place. They didn't have the geology knowledge at that time. They didn't have seismic record to measure movement so they said there must be a god responsible. So this is the beginning of this concept. That Greeks in finding the cause and effects of this, this was Poseidon, perhaps because excuse me, I should have turned it off. Sorry. Ok. Undersea earthquakes. So there was a force responsible, again, they didn't have, epicenters, they didn't have measure these forces a way that creates and generates, so, there was a god responsible for it. Perhaps because of many of them were centered under the waters. The Athens earthquake of 1999 [unclear dialogue], which struck just outside of Athens itself, the suburb that had stood for [unclear dialogue] Athens poorest with many old buildings. Over a hundred buildings collapsed, more than a hundred people were killed, and many others were injured, or left homeless. So, what this ancient civilization when they see these powerful forces, and the side effect, how they interpret it, there was a god responsible for it. And these rocks again, you see the amount of force, that folded all these rocks, which is said many of the mountains of the Greece, is very popular place to go for field trip. And most of these rocks are made of limestone. And limestone, when water goes through it, dissolves, like alabaster cabin or man with cave, or so on, like that, hollows it inside and gives us the caves. And the caves, as the water dissolves limestone, trickle from the top, slowly deposit these and make this stalactite, and stalagmite, which are coming from ceiling and from the floor, so some beautiful majestic caves form in these limestone. Again, these ancient civilizations seen this. Some of these coppers came down and hollowed these coppers. So they are very impressive forces shaping the land where the people can see what how, so it is a very dynamic area of the wards. The whole Mediterranean area is an active, converging plate rim, I showed you the picture where the African and [unclear dialogue] plates collide, still most of the action, that means two plates coming together, earth size, called plate tectonics, imagine the forces of them. Volcanism. In Greece, there is little volcanism, but sometimes, heavy earthquakes have known them some thermal springs that break the waters in great depth, finally through this rock movement, find a crack and come to the surface and it's been great depth there, warm, it has been in center of the earth, so you have hot springs. Every possible geologic, geographic, forces appear in this area. This is what means the two plates coming together or moving together. This is [unclear dialogue] which is Mediterranean Sea. And as you see the movement of these plates, it creates the mountains of the Greece. Tethys sea started dividing Pangaea, which is a one piece land. Called it Pangaea, into two separate continents, [unclear dialogue] that was once the Tetis sea has become the Mediterranean sea. Tethys Sea named after Greek sea goddess Tethys. Again at that time, you have to assign at that force a force beyond which is god or goddess. We can similar geographic evidence, in alpine the large, the alpine mountain form a view, where the movement of African plate raised the alps like this. One of the most striking events in Mesozoic era was the rise and dominance of dinosaurs, which is what this area very dominant. And of course, this later on, the Greece find some of the fossil of this giant animal. Where were they, how did they get there? Where are they now? One of the most striking was the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic, 245- 65 million years ago, and is divided into three periods you hear. Mesozoic, the rise of dominance of dinosaurs is one of the features of this area, as far as, so this is the Greece. A shredded of landform, with mountains and valleys, and several, two hundred-seventy islands, so called because of all this forces. A rough land. Again, this all mountains, and valleys, and many, many, separated piece from each other’s, Athens is located some place here. A unique landform. Shaped by natural forces still active have been active, and here now the people fit in these forces. As you see, this is it a very rough topography. Greece encompasses 50,000 square miles the terrain is 85, 80% mountainous, with it's highest point, Mt. Olympus, only 25% of the land surface is edible. Another 40% serve as pasture. There are more than 2,000 islands, shredded, broken lands. One hundred seventy have reached uninhabited along the coastline. Again, all along the forces of the ocean, and the forces of land in contact this where this people are living. As I said, this is one of the features, you seldom see any pasture, any soil, for olive trees, which is famous for olives, and Greeks are famous for olives, diets, or recipes. And few trees that make the wine, so this is the way the land mostly looks like. It is 7,000 high, 9000 high mount Olympus’s Greece is highest mountain. Not only their mountain, they are really majestic mountain. And between them the valleys, they are not very tall for rivers, but they are part of the areas later on, and many of these mountain, because of their majesty attracted the Greece to build monument for temple to you see the gods and goddess, the powerful forces that guide them. Mountain in Greece do no soar to their height of other mountain ranges, such as Andes, Rockies, also Alps, or Himalayas, but their extensive. In fact, about 80% of Greece is covered in mountains. But the rest of settlements were less than 10 miles from the mountains. Every community these mountain ranges Isolated regions from each other. That is when they said, there is cities separated the land, they could not did not have cars, trains, and planes, and bicycles even to travel, so they were isolated, remained isolated they don't have any horse, or donkeys. These mountain ranges isolated regions from each other more effectively than fences because what they lack in height, they make up in steepness, and ruggedness, through renting, or discouraging over land travel and communications. That's what we said at the beginning, they were isolated cities, or tribes. No matter where people settled in Greece, they were rarely more than 50 miles from the sea. Hurricanes, tides, those forces of the ocean, they always were facing, they didn't know when they would come, they didn't have methodology to forecast when this day comes, they were just coming, appeared, and so, the philosopher Plato noted that the Greeks lived along the sea, like frogs out on the pond. A deeply indented coastline, as you see it, saw it before, held before it's rocky fingers, a sea that could rare from tranquil to turbulent, depending on the season, and the weather. Again, they never know when, and how, and why, so i just put it a time. The Greek mariners had to experience first hand, the seas treasures, currents, and diabolical whirlpools. Mediterranean sea has little plankton, that is why its waters are so clear. Doesn't have all the algae’s, and so on, which means that it doesn't support extended variety of sea life seen elsewhere, like out on Gulf of Mexico. But certainly enough to be both an important and welcome source of food. Surrounded by water, the Greeks, nevertheless, face a shortage of fresh water. Compared to many countries, there is a real scarcity of rivers and these often dry up to a trickle in the hot summer months. Mediterranean climate. Less clouds. Summer hot, the rivers go dry. Summer temperatures, because of the clouds in the sky, often hover down in the tropics. The lack of rivers, offsets somewhat by plentiful supply of fresh water springs, because of the snow melting in the mountains, and go under the ground, and finally comes out as springs. These were precious, and life giving. And it is not surprising that they were considered to be sacred, sights managed again by a god, Poseidon, which is god of the water, god of the ocean. They didn't know what this happened, what is coming in, so they give it a magic. Athens for example, as you see it located here, the side of Athens, has been inhabited for approximately 8,000 years. Ancient civilization. And from at least the beginning of Macedonian times, around 600 BC, it has been one of the greatest sites of Greece. Athens pressed possess cyclopean made of big rocks since the mountain rocks, walls, monumental entrance, and post a gate, old palace, and the secret water supply, all this made of rocks, huge rocks which was available to them. Like Egyptian used the limestone to make pyramids, the Greece used limestone, it is easier to break and shape, than granite and so on, so they had rocks supplied. Athenian pottery a lot of clays there, so there were a lot of clay here, so Italian pottery was the best in Greece, and was widely [unclear dialogue] for some seven hundred years. Again, used this clay, shaped the pot. Another source of wealth was their silver from the mines of [unclear dialogue] especially from about 500 BC. Athens basin contains a number of different [unclear dialogue] sedimentary rock, originally formed in shallow lakes, such as limestone rocks and clay, clay deposits were abundant, so Greeks became famous in their potteries. Where the basis, again, nature forces natural mass supplies, determine the build the character of this continent. And the basis of the ancient [unclear dialogue] pottery industry and to exploit it today. How about Greek's Weather? Greece has a Mediterranean climate, with plenty of sunshine, mild temperature, and limited amount of rainfall, due to the country's geographical position. It is rugged, [unclear dialogue] and the distribution of the mainland and the sea there is great variation of Greece's climate, affected by interaction between two. Olympia, home of original Olympic games, and this people they were always had to hike up and down, walking that off, so became very athletic, and so the sports, and athletic and walking or running, competing become so started a contest which is Olympic games has started, original Olympic games. And Mt. Olympus, home of Zeus, and other Olympian gods, because of the majesty, that is where the Greek gods lived. The high peak is Mt. Olympus, at 97500 ft tall, and the home to the gods of Greek. Mt. Olympus has 52 peaks, and the most worshipped mountain of the Greece. Again, every action, every natural forces that they couldn't understand was a god assigned to it. The magnificent place with no forest gorgeous, and some meadows of different heights blessed with mild climate, the Mt. Olympus, and surrounded by Uranus, the heaven, it never rained on Mt. Olympus, nor was it ever windy. Only some clouds were appearing for time to time to isolate the gods’ kingdom from outside wars and bless the war with water. The favor of the deities gave the mountain an honored place in classic Greek culture, and that mythical status has been passed on through the centuries across western and many eastern civilizations. That setting,that thought, and that concept, passed on, that Greek classical Greek views of nature, cause of natural forces, those who control natural forces. Pantenon, the mountain's highest peak, because they said the tops out at over 9500 to ancient called [unclear dialogue] Panteon and believed it was the meeting place of dieties. The 12 gods were believed to have lived in the Alpine ravines, which Homer described as the Mountain's mysterious folds. This is that famous mountain and this is the [unclear dialogue] so this is where the gods. So, the Greeks' gods. The Greeks', these are the gods responsible for various natural forces. They were, and the Olympian gods on Mt. Olympus, presided over every facet, every facet of ancient life, and were often grouped according to their common function. This is what they saw, they interpreted, and they devised the cause, and the responsible for these forces and passed it on to the western and eastern civilization. As I said, they were a stepping-stone we are taking you back to the first step, where you stand on top of the staircase. These are Aphrodite’s, god of love and beauty, Apollo, the god of prophecy, music, and song, and Athena, see these are the gods, Poseidon, which was god of the ocean, Zeus, which is the head of all the gods, and that hierarchy, Zeus was the top god, and then big forces of the earth, like ocean, Athena earthquakes could each have another gods, which appointed by Zeus. Zeus, king of all the gods, look at the figure of that Zeus, the shape of that Zeus. That god shape character looks passed on up to the present time, to all the western and eastern culture. Poseidon, another powerful force, because controlled the ocean. Remember next to the water as another powerful force that was there. This Zeus had god, had all the power decide about every forces. Everything happened. That was his command, which passed on to the others and these are Greek gods, which is patterned by all ancient civilization. These were Greeks, Zeus, Jupiter, was in Rome, for example, if you come to the Persia, [unclear dialogue] all this ancient civilization patterned this and characterized the same thing as Zeus, and as you see the list, these are ancient, they have the same character, same philosophy, the same power. Pantheon and they built temples, to these gods, the temple of [unclear dialogue] in Athens is the best preserved of all ancient Greek temples. Exactly this temple building to the goddess and gods again also passed all this civilization, mosque and church and synagogue. Greek mythology, for the most part, is some modification was followed by all ancient civilization the most creative were the Mesopotamia, which is where the [unclear dialogue] like that. Of all the civilization, all of them have gods and goddesses. When they created, they tried to compete, or put the previous, another civilization, and gods and goddesses. Jerusalem, for example, that is getting close to the holy sight of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This was where the holy books of these predominately present religion was written, this all the writer were this city, Jerusalem. You shared the horizon, this Mosque of Omar; this is where Mohammed went up to see the god, to get the message, first hand. This is a western world; excuse me, the Jewish holy place. And this is church of a sanction where Jesus was lifted going up. A mosque of Omar as I said, where Mohammed had been to see the gods, to get the message, and the western world which is the Jewish so this is the holy city where Mesopotamia generated developed their gods, and their characteristics. And if you notice, just a second, the roots of Judaism, date back to around 2000 BC when Abraham refused to worship the idols which were common during that period. He is considered by Jews to be the first to believe in a single God, for the first time this civilization, the Romans have Poseidon, and [unclear dialogue]Titan and so on, a single god. Judaism is more organized form has begun with Moses, who is believed to have received the ten commandments from God on Mt. Sinai, after they [unclear dialogue] exodus from Egypt, around 1500 BC. In the Bible, Abraham was called the first Hebrew, Judaism, believing only in one God, tracing it's beginning back to Abraham, when nearly 2000 years ago, when he got the God choosing Abraham to be his special servant. And these Mesopotamians which is [unclear dialogue] descriptions is written in Torah, that's the old testament, Bible, New Testament, but remember, bible has the old testament, and why the Muslims Koran which has all those plus some segments that Mohammed add to it, the prophet. So these are the people who wrote these books. In that area, in Jerusalem. And passed it on, still many people in the world follow that. So this is Abraham, the father of three faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Again the same ideas of Greece, that this god required obedience. Obedience. Whatever we tell, you follow it. For example, here they give you the example, which is the created the first people. God asked Abraham to go and sacrifice his only son. Characterized that god. Then during the 15th century, Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the entire history of the Old Testament, New Testament, all on the Sistine chapel, exactly as it is described in the books. [Unclear dialogue] Of course, Michelangelo, as you know, is a sculpture of statues, and so, and Pope every week, will come to see as Michelangelo, as on has back, on the scaffolds painting these on the wall. If you have seen it, if you have seen it, the whole story of which is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, believed in. And one of the scenes is famous called Fresca, which is Allah, God, Yahweh, created Adam out of his image. By the way, when Michelangelo painted, all you have read Michelangelo’s description, he had a normal size penis, and when the pope came in, said no, no, that could excite some people coming to, so Michelangelo goes back and reduced the size. So the pope [unclear dialogue] and so, again this is God is a male, like the same shape as Zeus. It's created a man first in His image, the same philosophy of Greece follows, and the face of God from the creation of Adam, as I saw that face, again the same patterns, looks of God followed from Romans, Greece, Egyptians, and Persians. In separation of land from water. These are famous Fresca's, patterns on Sistine Chapel. And again this God has a lot, Sistine Chapel, one of the most famous Fresco, flood of Noah. To show everyone to go there to see God finally had enough of people, and said, Noah, build an ark, put your family in the ark, 6 or 7, and I am going to bring the water, and drown everyone, man, woman, and children, animals. And so that is one of the most famous Fresco to show God's vengeance. Flood of Noah. And this god, of Mesopotamia, also had messengers, as you all know, Moses, prophet Moses, founder of Judaism, on the Mt. Sinai, receiving the Ten Commandments. I participated in archeological site, and I was going, I have climbed the Sinai, it is a beautiful geologists know it is a lot of granite, red, granite, but is has this flat surfaces, faces, and things like that, it is in Sinai Peninsula. Of course, then Jesus. They say God was disappointed Moses didn't carry out his message, passed it down right, so choose Jesus to be the [unclear dialogue] to be the founder of Christianity, born in Bethlehem, again to stay like that. And then after a while, as I say, there was a competition in these areas of Mesopotamia. Muslims said no, Mohammed was called by God, to go see him in person, and get the message, and came back, which is Mohammed founder of Islam. One of the things that Greeks establish [unclear dialogue] all are men. And every segment of this, the woman has a lower value. The same thing the Greeks just followed that same pattern. Greek philosophers, now, that was one of the Greeks traditions, that has the religion. The predominant religion of the present world. Also Greeks contribute great deal to their Greek philosophy, truth seekers, thinkers, theorists, the philosophers of the five ancient civilizations for the most part establish fundamentals of science and technology, we call it renaissance, and industrial revolution, which is still taking us, we have today. So you credit to them, the second of ancient Greeks philosophers, scientists, fathers of philosophy, one of these of course, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. This is right now, Eastern Illinois University follows that concept. Socrates was one of the most powerful thinkers in history. He encourages his students to examine their beliefs; Socrates asked them a series of leading questions, to show that people hold many contradictory opinions. He always asked tell me prove it, why? This method of teaching, by question and answer approach, we call it critical thinking now. Approach is known as this Socrates method. He devoted his life to gaining self-knowledge, and once wrote, there is only one good - knowledge, and one evil - which is ignorance. The same thing Plato entered [unclear dialogue] family, Plato had a career as a [unclear dialogue] and poet before he became philosopher. He has studied with Socrates after his teacher died, Plato established school, an academy, and Aristotle son of one of the physician was one of the brightest students at Plato's academy. He came in there as a young man, and stayed for twenty years, until Plato's death in 350BC. Aristotle opened his own school in Athens called the Lessium. This school eventually rivaled the academy Aristotle once argued, 'who here studies how things originated, and came into being will achieve the clearest view of them'. And many of these you are familiar with, to establish our present principle of science, mathematics, geometry, and still principle, so many [unclear dialogue] concept still use it. Democritus, so the [unclear dialogue] the Greeks make two most fundamental left heritage we still follow. The faith, religion, exactly followed that pattern, and the science and technology. Fifteen centuries, we develop so called scientific revolution. That's everything in nature, follows rule of science, and if that was the case, so-called mechanic of philosophy, which they initiated, everything was pieces together must follow certain laws of physics [unclear dialogue]. So these ancient civilizations established a staircase which brought us this point, just landed curiosity on Mars, what they started it about faith of things of gravity, a magnetic and so on like that. Might I answer any question you have, thank you very much. >> Dr. Wahby: [Unclear dialogue] microphone >> Dr. Baharlou: I could share mine with you. >> Dr. Wahby: Well, any questions? [Unclear dialogue] >> Dr. Baharlou: Anyone disagree with anything I said? That's asking if anybody says yes or no. >> Dr. Wahby: [Unclear dialogue] disagree with you. >> Dr. Baharlou: Such a wonderful friend I have. >> Dr. Wahby: I tell my students that Dr. Baharlou is my dear friend and we fight and we love about a lot of things, because he says things and I tell him what, and he gives me a reason, and I tell him I am not convinced, and he asks for reason, and I give him a reason, and I am not convinced, so we fight, and with smiles >> Dr. Baharlou: My grandchildren and children fight, huh? >> Dr. Wahby: Very Good, Thank you very much. >> Dr. Baharlou: Thank you very much for coming, have a great evening. >> [Unclear dialogue] I was so fascinated that you connected philosophy and [unclear dialogue] I thought that was very good. >> Dr. Baharlou: Thank you very much. It was my colleague that you have friends like this. Yes. and we owe a lot to this ancient because they were our grand, grandparents, they were the ones they were you know, they started it, they guide us, so Greeks, all ancient civilizations were on the same team. They had two paths, and that was because they wanted to prove the things they said, with science and technology and both [unclear dialogue] so they still follow in exactly the same pattern, the same argument, the same discussion, we have the same continue. They just, they were great thinkers, and great philosophers. >> Dr. Wahby: Any other questions, or comments? >> Just as sort of a reminder, everything you said was absolutely true, but if you want to remember that the so-called philosophers, and so on, these folks were in a very, very tiny minority. And the vast majority of the [unclear dialogue] along the lines of what you [unclear dialogue] and that was the prevailing view among most of the Greeks, just carried on probably >> Dr. Baharlou: You are absolutely correct. Yes, they carried that message too, yes. And of course, their message didn't, the message of scientists, philosophers, some group that took that, and carried it through. They are the first time they said it has to be true when [unclear dialogue] things must work together but not forces of nature, and so, mechanics of philosophy magnetics, gravity, forces all like that, like a machine, and we have to look at it exactly like a machine system, right now we have called it a spaceship earth, spaceship earth like a machine, do you have to be maintained, we are passenger on this spaceship earth, so the mechanics of philosophy actually become more and more vivid and thank you. >> Dr. Wahby: If you have more questions, email him. >> Dr. Baharlou: arbaharlou@eiu.edu, thank you very much.